Five Ways to Get to Know Your Customers
Did you know? Today is a quarterly holiday that celebrates your customers and clients. On Thursday, July 16, 2020, business owners can observe “Get To Know Your Customers Day.” Because clients and customers are important, this day is celebrated each year on the third Thursday of January, April, July, and October.
Through one of our core values, “Did you eat yet?” Watson Engineering Company focuses on our clients and the knowledge that they put food on our tables. We challenge you to do one thing to get to know your customers/clients better by choosing on one of the following five actionable, and easy-to-implement tips – or choose one of your own! These action items are not only applicable on this nationally-celebrated day, you can use these tips to get to know those that keep your business going, your clients/customers, any time of the year.
What Can You Do on “Get to Know Your Customers Day”?
Ask their opinion: Both positive and negative feedback let you know what customers like. No one knows what makes them choose to use your services like they do. Make a phone call to select customers/clients asking brief and open-ended questions. By asking for your customers’ opinions, you convey how important they are in helping you make improvements. Reward them by offering a discount or giveaway.
Create customer profiles: How can you get to know your customers unless you keep track of what key factors about them? A client/customer profile is a simple way to keep track of target clients’ likes and dislikes, family backgrounds, hobbies, interests, and preferred communication style. This information helps you personalize content and match specific customers to particular products and services.
Send personalized gifts: When your customer profile is up to date and accurate, use it! Be creative and consider unique gifts or thoughtful gestures that apply to the personal understanding of your client. Consider hobbies and interests, detailed information about family and friends.
Send cards: Customers may expect a card during the winter holidays, but they may be surprised to get one on “Get to Know Your Customers Day” or another unique day of the year. This small gesture of appreciation makes your customers feel valued.
Highlight client/customer achievements: Spotlight the successes of customers businesses or personal accomplishments with a card or email or on your social media accounts. By celebrating their milestone events, you can strengthen your relationship.
You can use these tips throughout the year to communicate how valuable customers are to you. Happy customers keep your business thriving and Watson Engineering Company wants to thank you for your business over the years.